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Official: Renowned bandit terrorizing communities in the northwest is killed by Nigerian troops

Nigerian security operatives have killed a notorious bandit who terrorises communities in north-west Nigeria, an official has said.

Ahmed Idris, spokesperson to Kebbi Governor Nasir Idris, disclosed this in an early Tuesday statement, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

He said the bandit, nicknamed Mai-Nasara was killed in a security operation at Sangeko forest in Kebbi State. Five suspected members of Mai-Nasara’s gang were also arrested during the operation.

Mr Idris said that AbdulRahman Usman, director of Security at the Cabinet Office, Birnin Kebbi revealed the success story.

While applauding the gallant efforts of the security personnel in fighting crimes and criminalities in the state, especially in the southern part of Kebbi, Mr Usman appealed to people to give the personnel all the necessary support and cooperation to succeed.

“Your support and cooperation are highly necessary for the security agencies to achieve the desired goal of flushing out criminals and restoring peace and normalcy in our land.

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“Security is supposed to be everybody’s business, therefore, people should endeavour to assist the security agencies in all ramifications, especially with credible intelligence towards successful combats,” Mr Usman was quoted as saying.

Kebbi in north-west Nigeria is one of the states affected by terrorism, locally called banditry. PREMIUM TIMES reported that the terrorists attack communities at will, killing and kidnapping residents for ransom.

Other states affected by such banditry include Sokoto, Kaduna, Katsina and Zamfara.

Different, largely independent, terror groups operate in the areas so the killing of one, such as Mai-Nasara, does not imply the end of the criminality in the area.

Security operatives have intensified efforts to quell the activities of the terrorists but have only achieved limited success.


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