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Terrorism not unique to Nigeria - Tinubu

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    President Bola Tinubu has declared that terrorism is not unique to Nigeria.

    To this end, Tinubu tasked security and intelligence agencies in Nigeria with the importance of sharing information and intelligence among themselves.

    The President spoke after undertaking a tour of the new Office of National Security Adviser and facilities at the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) in Abuja.

    While noting the efforts demonstrated in countering terrorism and the state-of-the-art equipment at the two facilities, President Tinubu highlighted the importance of backing such efforts with knowledge.

    He said his administration had recognised that in order to achieve economic revival, prosperity, and development, security should be of optimum priority.

    President Tinubu said: “It is a great joy to see that we are getting proactive resources to prepare ourselves.

    “Terrorism is not unique to Nigeria. It is across the world, and we have to fight it. We have to eliminate it completely. If we, as Nigerians, are looking for economic revival, prosperity, and development, then we have to give priority to security. What I have seen here is a demonstration of intelligence efforts to counter terrorism. This must be backed by knowledge.

    “Counter-terrorism that is not backed by knowledge and intelligence is not going to be of any service to any nation. We are going to work on that together. The efforts of the entire armed forces of this country must be put together in a way that there will be one single focus on securing the country.

    “You can’t have disharmony in an orchestra. We must focus on one thing: coordinate, share information, share intelligence, and work harder. You cannot hoard information. You cannot hoard intelligence. I am glad that Nigeria is on the path to succeed. We will, I assure you. We will make it a priority, and that is why I am here this morning.”


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    Author: Tyrone Owens

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    Name: Tyrone Owens

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    Introduction: My name is Tyrone Owens, I am a unwavering, Adventurous, ingenious, multicolored, dazzling, persistent, frank person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.