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These are 9 Cute, Cozy, and Suitable Little Pets for Cuddling

There's nothing that tugs more at the heartstrings as when your pet decides to come in for a snuggle. Having a cuddle session with your pet can be a very soothing and special experience for your furry friend and yourself. While you may think cuddly pets are limited to cats or dogs, that couldn't be further from the truth! If you live somewhere that prohibits larger pets (or you'd simply prefer the ease of caring for a smaller pet), you certainly don't have to forego cuddling with your adorable companion. Though you may associate "small pets" with traditionally uncuddly animals, like fish, frogs, and lizards, there are lots of smaller pets that are plenty affectionate and soft enough to snuggle with. When you need a little extra tender loving care, these are the best small cuddly pets that will be right by your side ready to cuddle away!

Sugar Gliders
Getty | Rachata Teyparsit / EyeEm

Sugar Gliders

VIDEO: Top 10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

If your area permits you to own sugar gliders, you're in luck — they love sticking by your side! Sugar gliders often need to be well-socialized before they show off their cuddly side, but once your sugar glider warms up, it'll be your favorite snuggle buddy. They'll love finding nooks in your clothing and traveling along wherever you go!

Getty | Simona Toma / EyeEm


VIDEO: The Best Cat Breeds for Cuddling
Ultimate Pet Nutrition

Hedgehogs' adorable habit of curling into a ball primarily occurs when they're nervous, but when they're comfortable and socialized properly, hedgehogs can be expert cuddlers. The good news is that hedgehogs are a great fit for most living spaces, so you don't have to worry about making room for them!

Getty | Sol de Zuasnabar Brebbia


VIDEO: 13 Affectionate Cat Breeds that Love to Cuddle | The Cat Butler
The Cat Butler

Hamsters are naturally playful, but they're also extremely affectionate and love attention. They'll even form a bond with their owners. Plus, hamsters are fairly easy to care for, so snuggling up to one of these little furballs is truly a win-win!

Getty | Jasmin Merdan


VIDEO: The Top 7 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds
The Pet Collective

Many types of birds are amazing to cuddle with, but lovebirds are some of the best. (And with a name like that, it's no surprise!) Although you'll ultimately need to train your bird to cuddle with you, they can show you plenty of affection. Birds are also fairly easy to keep — they don't take up much space in your home!

Guinea Pigs
Getty | Tobias Titz

Guinea Pigs

World List

Guinea pigs are practically made for cuddling — they thrive on attention — but they're also small enough to keep in a wide range of living environments. They love sitting in your lap too, which only makes them more adorable! These little creatures are typically extremely gentle, and they trill when they're happy . . . which often happens during a good snuggle session.

Small dogs
Pexels | Samson Katt

Small dogs

VIDEO: first day of cuddling vs year #shorts

Dogs and humans have been best friends for centuries, and it's no secret why. They're incredibly loyal and irresistibly cute, making them the perfect cuddle companions. Small breeds include shih tzus, pugs, Pomeranians, Yorkshire terriers, and Chihuahuas, to name a few.

Getty | Westend61


VIDEO: When your dog is not a Pet - Cute dog and human are best friends

If you've always dreamt of owning a cuddly little bunny, you're in luck, because the stereotype that rabbits are affectionate is spot-on. Rabbits are also small enough that they're well-suited to limited-space living. Make sure that you keep your bunny in your lap when you snuggle with it — rabbits are most cuddly when they feel comfortable!


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Author: Cody Bennett

Last Updated: 1702590121

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Author information

Name: Cody Bennett

Birthday: 1972-08-01

Address: 89061 Foster Ridge, Wisemouth, WI 39786

Phone: +3762351585554401

Job: Film Director

Hobby: Reading, Tennis, Badminton, Coffee Roasting, Playing Guitar, Cycling, Video Editing

Introduction: My name is Cody Bennett, I am a Open, skilled, honest, important, sincere, Colorful, radiant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.