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Which are the main differences between the Old and New Parliaments?

Commencing on the 18th of September, the Parliament's session heralded the relocation of House proceedings to the freshly inaugurated Parliament edifice, as pronounced by the government. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his grand inauguration on the 28th of May, articulated his vision of this new complex as a cradle of empowerment, sparking aspirations and nurturing them into tangible achievements.

#WATCH | PM Narendra Modi visited the construction site of the new Parliament building in New Delhi last night. He spent almost an hour at the site and did a first-hand inspection of the construction status of the new Parliament building.

(Source: PMO) pic.twitter.com/Od7mgxgz4x

— ANI (@ANI) September 27, 2021

For over 96 years, the old Parliament building has steadfastly stood as a sentinel, chronicling India's democratic odyssey. However, relying on a structure dating back almost a century, evoking memories of the colonial era, India now takes pride in unveiling an architectural masterpiece that authentically encapsulates the spirit of a sovereign nation.

In a prelude to the session, Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar unfurled the national flag at the new Parliament edifice on the preceding Sunday.

Bearing a price tag of Rs 971 crore, the new complex is a testament to India's progress and aspires to embody the dreams of its 1.35 billion citizens, as articulated on the Central Vista Redevelopment Project's official website.

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What Is Different In The New Parliament Building?

VIDEO: Comparison Of The Old And New Parliament Building, Watch The Report
India Today

Old Parliament vs New Parliament: What Are the Key Differences?

Here are some salient features that differentiate the old from the new Parliament building:

Augmented Seating Capacity

The new Parliament edifice signifies a substantial augmentation in capacity and contemporary amenities. It is meticulously devised to comfortably house 888 Members of Parliament in the Lok Sabha, a threefold increase from the old Lok Sabha's capacity. Furthermore, the new Rajya Sabha chamber will accommodate 384 members, affording an enhanced and more commodious setting for parliamentary deliberations. This expansion paves the way for more efficient proceedings and superior facilities for parliamentarians.

Absence of a Central Hall

Diverging from its predecessor, the new Parliament Building omits the inclusion of a central hall. Instead, the Lok Sabha within the new structure is ingeniously fashioned to accommodate joint sessions, thereby obviating the need for supplementary seating during meetings.

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Integration of Modern Technology

Every seat assigned to Members of Parliament in the new building will be outfitted with a multimedia display—a symbolic gesture on the 75th anniversary of India's Independence.

Media-Focused Facilities

The new Parliament building is tailored with specialized amenities for the media. A total of 530 seats will be allocated for media personnel, while both houses will feature galleries that broadcast parliamentary proceedings to the general public.

Commitment to Eco-friendliness

Sustainability occupies a pivotal role in the new parliament building's agenda. The structure employs eco-friendly construction materials and incorporates mechanisms to reduce electricity consumption by 30 per cent.


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Name: Bryan Wiggins

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